ERKY Instagram Brand Rep
We are SO excited that you are interested in becoming a brand rep for ERKY!
As of right now, this position is unpaid. We do, however, offer free clothing/accessories/shoes in exchange for posts & stories on your Instagram page! We truly want you to love your item(s), so we actually allow you to pick out what would fit your personal style and would be ecstatic about sharing with your followers! We are searching for ALL ages, ALL sizes and ALL ethnicities to represent our brand. We love that so many different styles are expressed through the love of fashion and want our brand to be able to help tell your story!
If you are interested in becoming a rep for en route, send an email to and please provide the following information included in the email:
- Name
- Age
- City & State that you currently reside
- Size
- Instagram Handle
Can't wait to work with you, babe!
Xoxo, Shelb & Ash